5 Tips On How to Remember People’s Names

5 Tips On How to Remember People’s Names

Dear Readers,

We’ve all been there - standing mid-conversation, fumbling to recall someone’s name. While forgetting a name might be human, it can come across as rude.
There are people for whom remembering faces or names comes as second nature, and there are those (like me, guilty!) who need to use various tricks to avoid embarrassing situations.

In today’s newsletter, I will share these practical, tried-and-tested tricks to help you make a great impression in any social encounter.

This one sounds obvious, but it’s actually harder than you might think. When we meet a stranger, we often subconsciously focus on making a good impression by preparing our words. Preparation might be key, but it can also result in not truly listening to the other person. When someone introduces themselves, focus on listening rather than planning your response. Repeat their name back to them immediately: “Nice to meet you, Sarah.” This reinforces the name in your mind.

Create a mental image or association for their name. For instance, if you meet someone named Lily, imagine a beautiful lily flower. As many people are gifted with a photographic memory, linking an image to a name is one of the fastest and best ways to remember it.

Throughout your conversation, find subtle ways to use their name. Our brains love repetition; by subtly repeating their name, we train our memory. During the conversation, use phrases like: “That’s an interesting point, Lily,” or “What’s your take on that, Lily?” Just don’t overdo it!

After meeting someone, write their name down with a quick note about your interaction (e.g., “Lily, red dress, from the book club”). Whether you’re networking or socialising, keeping a record can save you from future blank moments.

If a name slips your mind, don’t panic - acknowledge it graciously. After all, we’re only human. Say, “I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your name - could you remind me, please?” Most people appreciate your honesty and effort to reconnect.

A cheeky yet often successful way to avoid revealing that you’ve forgotten someone’s name is to involve another guest in the conversation through an introduction.
For example, if you’re at a party and cannot recall Person X’s name, approach them with someone whose name you know. Start with: “I hope you’re having a great time. I’d like to introduce my friend Paul, who is a dentist.” Chances are Paul will extend his hand for a handshake, prompting Person X to do the same while SAYING THEIR NAME.
Note: This tactic doesn’t always work, but there’s a high chance you’ll tie two loose ends - learning their name and keeping your forgetfulness unnoticed.

Remember, the effort you make to remember someone’s name says a lot about you. It’s a small gesture with a big impact - one that strengthens relationships and leaves a lasting impression.

Yours sincerely,

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